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Change, A Scary 6 Letter Word

What a season we are in. As of recently, we have been thinking a lot about what it means to be living in our 20s. They are an exciting, challenging, and exhausting decade. But the most common word that we can think of when describing them is “Change”. Now we haven’t experienced the other decades yet (except technically Olivia since she is 30😉), but there always seems to be something constantly changing in our everyday lives whether it be work, friends, family, or circumstances. For some reason we have really been clinging to this word and especially ruminating over the amount of change that hurricane Helene victims have been experiencing over just the last 1.5 weeks. It really is amazing how fast someone’s world can be flipped upside down.

Anyhow, in our 20s a lot of things usually happen. We may finish school, start a job, change jobs, have a few relationships, get married, have kids, buy a house, move, start a business, etc. Not all of that may happen in this time span but really from what we have experienced so far, there are a lot of mountains and valleys we climb during this time. Oftentimes we hear from those older than us that there is a certain point in your life when a routine and wanting everything the same is comforting, but to us, change is also exhilarating and fun to be a part of. 

Why is it though that change is so hard and full of anxiety? When I asked google analytics “why  is change so hard”, here were the top responses.

  1. Fear

  2. Comfort 

  3. Thinking fallacies 

The first two definitely are the most comprehensible to understand. When something changes, we are uncertain of what the future looks like so that brings a lot of fears about if we are making the right decisions. Many times, people don’t instigate change because of all the fears associated with it. We think this way of living might bring forward some regret. Luckily, our generation seems to be good at putting their life into perspective and making fast (sometimes at light speed) and life altering changes to better their life as a whole. Sometimes, other generations see this trait in a slightly different manner, but we believe that our generation is leaving nothing left to regret when making changes in their life. 

Change also brings discomfort. When we alter our familiar routines and surroundings we are taken out of our comfort zones and that brings stress. We think that is why so much of our change occurs in our 20s because of how resilient and sometimes naive we are. 

Ranking third is thinking fallacies which is confusing, but if you break it down, it means that change won’t successfully happen all at once. It isn’t all or nothing. Change (especially with behaviors or routines) has to be taken one step at a time and when one step is mastered we can move onto the next. Taking change one step at a time instead of all at once can dampen the effects it has on us as individuals. 

One place change occurs often is here on our farm. First, we operate with the 4 changing seasons of the year. With each season comes different tasks, rewards, and challenges. As farmers, we also deal with the changing markets, and if our mindsets aren’t in the right place this can be drowning. We also deal with daily changes in our schedule based on the weather and the work that needs to be done each day. Also, the changing of generations as the farm grows older is also on our minds. Wow this is a lot of change! 

During the midst of harvest and the fall changing of leaves we are blessed to be working our way through our 20s and we are all trying to navigate them as best we can. Man, we feel so much change in the air! 

We hope you have a great week!


Olivia, Tabby, Gina, & Kendra

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